Частное охранное предприятие "ФОРТ+"
E-mail: vip@ohrana73.ru
Phones: (8422) 35-94-77

Security for Entertainment Events

We offer security services for entertainment events. Security support of such events is necessary to keep the peace and avert threats of terrorist attacks.

Before posting security guards we do the detailed inspection of the object and give customer our practical recommendations how to secure object technically, what the best methods and strategy of physical security and working schedule of security guards to choose.

While guarding we:

  • provide physical security of property;
  • protect life and health of staff and customers;
  • exert pass control using access control metal detector;
  • check customers via face control;
  • keep the peace on the premises;
  • take set of anti-terrorist measures.

We can guarantee high-quality services and discharge of all treaty obligations at reasonable prices.

At your request, our security guards may work in special uniform or in plain clothes.